Go "Deeper" on Wednesday Evenings

"Deeper" is a multifaceted, multi-generational Wednesday evening opportunity to grow in faith and fellowship.

5:00-5:40:  Family Fellowship Meal - Fellowship Hall
                   A tasty dinner for only $5.00. All are welcome. Please make your reservation by
                   calling the church office at 893.2514.

5:30-7:00:  Nursery - Nursery Suite
                   Children ages birth - 2 years are invited to come play.

5:40-7:00:  Children's Choirs (5:40-6:15)
                    3's-Pre-K - Room 105
                    K - Room 204
                    1st-2nd - Room 205
                    3rd-5th - Room 200B

                    Children's Mission Activities (6:20-7:00)
                    3's-Pre-K - Room 103
                    K - Room 206
                    1st-2nd - Room 203
                    3rd-5th Girls (GAs) - Room 201
                    3rd-5th Boys (RAs) - Room 202

5:40-7:00: Endeavor (Youth) - CrossMain
                  Dynamic Bible study and activities for middle and high schoolers.
                  CrossMain is located diagonally across East Main Street from our main building.

5:40-5:55:  Prayer Time - Fellowship Hall
                  A review of prayer concerns followed by a brief period of prayer.

6:00-7:00:  Studies for Adults - Multiple Opportunities to Suit Your Interest

 The next session of "Deeper" will take place October 19 - November 16.
                                   Adult Bible Study - Fellowship Hall
                                               Pastor Noel Schoonmaker will teach on "The Coherence-
                                               Contingency Dialectic in Paul's Letters." This study will focus
                                               on Paul's theology and how he wrote to different congregations
                                               with variious emphases yet expressed the same coherent gospel
                                               to each.
                                  Bonhoeffer on the Mount - Room 211, led by Jason Fincher
                                                The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 - 7 paints a challenging
                                                picture of Christian discipleship. This study will look at this
                                                picture along with Dietrich Bonhoeffer's understanding of the
                                                Sermon on the Mount recorded in his book "The Cost of
                                  Aging Matters - Room 107, led by Pam Pilote
                                                 Join us as we look at parts of the PBS series "Aging Matters"
                                                 and discuss such topics as "Aging in Place," "The Economics of
                                                 Aging," and other relevant subjects. This study will be
                                                 particularly helpful to anyone considering retirement.
                                   Women's Gathering and Study Group - Room 210, led by Lara Cotey
                                                This is a forum to discuss issues, share our stories, and build
                                                each other up.
                                   Ceramics - Arts and Crafts Room, led by Daune Jordan
                                                An opportunity to purchase and paint ceramic items. Both fall
                                                and Christmas items available.