Children's Worship

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  • 10:30 a.m. Worship Service

For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise.
— 1 Chronicles 16:25

Families are encouraged to sit and participate in worship together. 

First Kids Worship is offered during the school year for children in Kindergarten and First Grade. They exit the sanctuary with adult leaders midway through the service for a special age-appropriate time of learning about how we worship and why we observe certain practices in our worship. 

Worship Care is available for babies through Pre-K children throughout the entire service. Please see David or one of our Worship Care leaders to check your child in to the appropriate classroom.

Worship Bags are available for children 5th grade and under in the sitting area next to the sanctuary. The worship bag station contains many items children can choose to bring with them into the service. These include children’s sermon note-taking workbooks, white boards and dry erase crayons, and sensory items.