"Deeper" Adult Classes

Beginning Wednesday, January 21 at 6:00 p.m.

New Testament Interpretation - Noel Schoonmaker - Room 208
    A seminary style course, complete with syllabus. The class will cover topics such as “The Synoptic Problem,” “The Historical Jesus,” “The Gospel of John,” “The Epistles of John,” and “Acts.”

Parenting Roundtable - Dayna Schoonmaker - Room 210
    A seminar covering various approaches to parenting. Each week will focus on a single topic, such as praying for your children,
managing household finances, and prioritizing yourself and your marriage. Each session will begin with a brief devotion providing scriptural insight on the topic followed by a group discussion.

Health and Wellness - Toni Walker, RN - Room 107
    A two-month commitment to healthy eating, daily walking, and a
personal devotional time with an emphasis on honoring the body as a temple of God’s Spirit. Weekly meetings will focus on helpful
information, accountability, and prayer. Please call the church
office and sign up by giving just your name. Program packets will be ready at the first meeting for those who preregister.

Ceramics - Daune Jordan - Arts & Crafts Room
    An opportunity to purchase and paint seasonal ceramic items.

Solomon: Scripture’s Most Foolish Wise Man - Charles Nored - FH
    An in-depth study of Solomon with application to our lives.

Note: The first 4 classes will have 9 sessions with a break for Ash
Wednesday. The last study will be 4 sessions and will be followed by a 5-week study led by Dr. Larry Taylor from Ash Wednesday to Easter.